Cook Fresh Green Beans

Green beans to many are equally referred to as string beans. Green beans share the same family as pinto beans. Although there is a sound diversity between pinto beans and green beans especially in the harvest procedure.

Green beans in notable dissimilarity with its fellow legumes are very edible in the raw form. The generality of legumes has to be dried before they gain adequate edibility.

Green beans are also accompanied by a great deal of nutrients when you bring them into your meals. Most particularly, green beans are known for their richness in Vitamin C, Vitamin K as well as Vitamin B1, B2 as far as to copper, and iron.

All these nutrients amiably come together to ensure that your immune system is up and running and your bones are well fortified.

So we are now going into the kitchen to see how we can cook green beans.  The first procedure we are going to engage is the washing of the beans under cold water.

You can choose to wash these legumes in a colander. You would have to snap off the end from the beans. This process is commonly referred to as tailing.

So next is the cooking proper, you have to get your appetite set. You should be very mindful of the cooking time you subject your green beans to. The cooking time is well dependent on the variety as you don’t smaller sized beans don’t take as much time to get soft as bigger sized beans.

Fresh Green Beans Food

As we earlier on stated, you can eat up your beans in the raw state. This raw edibility is more common with wax beans. This is how green beans make a ready fit with your salads.

If you don’t have much patience, you can roll in your lemon juice over them and savor them quickly. You can otherwise blanch your beans. This has a way of improving the appearance of your green beans pertaining to its color. You can simply pour in your beans into water that is already boiling and cook for little time.

Tasty Fresh Green Beans FoodTalking about the stipulated time for this brief cooking, say three minutes is enough. After that three minutes, you then move your beans into very cold water, preferably iced up.

So after say 60 seconds in the ice water, you can take off the water using a colander and you are ready to go for a meal. After you are through with the brief cooling and you probably don’t want to eat them at once, no problem, you can freeze them for later consumption.

Alternatively, you can just shut them off in a container (airtight). For future storage, you also have the safe option of keeping your green beans in a freezer bag. But you must also make sure that this freezer bag is equally air tight.

If you want to preserve the nutrient capacity and munch in as many goodies as you can, then just steam your green beans over medium heat in a small cauldron of boiling water. After that, you cook for a maximum of 10 minutes and your green beans is set for a merry mastication.